So what is paradise? This summer, I'm spending ten weeks trying to figure that out. I'll be living in the eastern Tibetan town of Gyeltangteng. In 2002, Chinese authorities officially renamed the town Shangrila, after the mythical paradise described in James Hilton's novel Lost Horizons. For me, this Shangrila promises adventure, solitude, and the chance to make friends and do good work among them. And good grief, look at that mountain.
I'm spending the months of June and July teaching English with the Eastern Tibetan Language Institiute. (The website has great info and pictures: http://etli.org)
I'll then meet up with Kate "Timberwolf" Harris and Mel "Melbenator the Great" Yule for whatever adventures ensue. They are currently on a cycling expedition on the silk road in northwest China. (Also an awesome site: www.cyclingsilk.com)
So what will this Shangrila be like? Stay tuned. . .
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