Paryang, Tibet: We've been on the road for three nights now, headed for Mt. Kailash. Our biggest news is that we've christened our trusty Land Cruiser, Tenzing, which I think suits her perfectly. Otherwise, our trip is unfolding at the perfect rolling tempo of a summer road-trip. The six of us bounce along the dirt roads, thinking our own thoughts but all affected by the wildness and beauty of the passing scenery.
Yesterday, we made a stop in the dusty village of Sakya and were immediately surrounded by a pack of filthy but adorable kids begging for photos. (I'm shy about taking photos of people so this one is rare.) It's nice to be such a celebrity and everyone left happy.

We didn't make it far before Tenzing got the first of many flat tires. Nawang says she's a real lady: always needing new shoes. Luckily, Chi-me is a whiz at changing a tire and we were soon on our way again.

Unfortunately, it wasn't long until we had stopped again...

But, as a reward for our patience, Tenzing drove us to the bluest clearest lake and waited while we skipped rocks and basked in the sunshine.

The plateau is the most beautiful place that I've ever been. It's vast and wild and I'm constantly reminded that nature is in charge here and that people are only the guests.

Most of the time, the only sign of human life is found in the cairns and flags at the passes and in far-off grazing yaks.

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